you are probably aware, there are several fat loss tools available
(recreational sports, aerobics, walking, dieting, etc.). But,
what you probably don't realize is that resistance exercise
represents the most effective tool. In fact, it is your
secret weapon for effective, permanent fat loss! Let's look
at the fundamental application of resistance exercise and
what it has to offer in terms of fat loss.
Realize, first of all, that all the foods you eat are destined
to provide the individual muscle cell with energy and building
blocks. With this understanding, let's draw a comparison between
muscle tissue, and a common sponge. The water in the bucket
represents nutrients to include fatty acids (fats) and blood
sugar (carbohydrates). Now, with a fully saturated sponge,
begin washing your car. The longer you use this sponge without
dipping back into the bucket, the more water you squeeze out
of it.
same is true with muscle. The longer the muscle is contracting
without rest, the more energy is depleted. Dipping your sponge
back into the bucket refills your sponge so you are once again
ready to perform more work. Once again, the muscle is the
same, only not quite as fast to replete as the sponge. The
depleted muscle absorbs energy from the blood between exercise
sessions. The real key to resistance exercise and fat loss
is that fatty-acids (fats) from fat stores exclusively provide
the energy the muscle uses during the replacement of muscle
energy (glycogen). Therefore, the more energy you deplete
in your resistance exercise session, the more fat your body
must release to re-fill these stores.
just that simple. Muscle energy depletion is the key to resistance
exercise and fat loss! With this concept in mind, there are
several fat loss resistance-training principles that apply.
One application of exercise selection that is appropriate
for some clients would be using a weight light enough
to enable you to perform 12-20 reps per set with some difficulty.
This will help to deplete muscle energy while causing little
tissue damage. This will also help to deplete as much energy
as possible. Using (3) basic compound movements (movements
which involve the most amount of muscle possible), a pulling
movement, a pushing movement, and a leg pressing or squatting
movement, perform a circuit routine. The more muscle you involve,
the more energy you deplete, and the more energy you deplete,
the more fat you will lose! In performing this circuit routine,
you should start with your pushing movement of choice. When
you complete this first set, move on to your pulling movement.
Next, move to your final movement, the pressing or squatting
exercise. Upon completing this movement, you are ready to
begin your circuit routine all over again. To start, perform
only three (3) circuits.
real exciting benefit resistance exercise offers over any
other fat loss tool, is the ability to GAIN LEAN WEIGHT WHILE
LOSING FAT!! This effect is impossible to achieve using any
other fat loss method.
NFPT Personal Trainer Magazine, edited